Thursday, July 14, 2005

Creepy Fan Mail or (The Fan w/ Perfect Memory)

Dear Robin Shou,

My name is Jack Tam and I've met you a few times at Staples in Alhambra, California back in 1997-99 when I was working as a sales associate over there. My co-workers took some pictures with you (I've got a copy) but I didn't get a chance to take a picture with you because I was busy helping other customers. Second time I met you I remember you came up to me and asked if we repair computers (I guess you had problems with your computer at that time) and I replied to you that we didn't repair computers and also I've sold an electronic organizer to you. It's amazing to watch a movie (Mortal Kombat I) and then actually get to meet a movie star in person! It was awesome! I wrote to you awhile back but then I didn't use the internet for awhile so I don't know if you've received my email or not. I'm just wondering if you'd make any new movies like Mortal Kombat 3? Last but not least...You've mentioned on a Chinese TV interview that you're not Bruce Lee but hey! what the heck! You're as good as it can get! He's a legend but you're alive that's the main difference! Good Luck with everything!

Jack Tam

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