Monday, November 21, 2005

Creepiest Toy Ever Made

I was watching Supernatural this weekend. In one of the traditional "hand chopped off by garbage compactor" scenes, they cut to this toy.

Growing up I remember seeing the cover of Monkey Shines. I never read the book, but the movie blew. That image on the cover though still creeps me out.

It's become a staple of horror films, and there's a reason for that. With it's freaky smile and crazy clapping of cymbals, how can it not be an omen of bad things. If you ever come across this toy in real life, I suggest you do what I would!

Number two on the list: The Ventriloquist Dummy

Does anyone remember that short film back in the day about the dummy chasing a woman around the apartment with a knife? That scared the shit out of me as a kid.

They are closely associated with number three: the marionette.


Keymaster said...

Kinda reminds me of the Monkey from Phantom of the Opera. Did you see the Buffy episode with the dummy?? Freaky!

Bradford said...

The Buffy ep. with the dummy was freaky. It's those blank staring devil eyes that creep me out.

Anonymous said...

The monkey is the freakiest! I don't watch scarry movies, but I don't need to...the toys on their own give me shivers!

MOL Junior said...

no love for chucky?

Anonymous said...

^^ ha ha...I was going to say 'what about the doll' but I didn't remember his name.

Bradford said...

I didn't go with Chucky because he's a specific character. You couldn't buy Chucky dolls before the movie came out. But most dolls are creepy.

Jess said...

Charlie McCarthy dolls (a la the dummy in Buffy, etc.) really freak me out. My brother had one when I was very little and he used to make it talk to me in a really creepy voice. I would see it and scream. When we moved to Texas, I was so little I can hardly remember the move or anything, but I remember my dad letting me throw the Charlie doll out the attic window into the dumpster below.