Thursday, June 21, 2007

I Need An Explanation

I have yet to find a satisfactory answer to this question. Why is it musical groups from France, Sweden, Italy, etc. can sing with perfect to near perfect American accents but can't talk that way?


Anonymous said...

Is it that they can't talk that way, or that they just don't strive to speak like Americans?

Me said...

Obviously, everybody everywhere wants to sound like Americans, so if they don't, it means they can't.

Annie Chase said...

Im annie, jennie's sister she said i should ask you for advice. im making a girl mix and looking for music that i can just kick back and relax to.
if you have any ideas feel free to comment.

Anonymous said...

the same reason that american singers can sound like they have a british accent and not talk that way I guess....and do you mean english (but not british) accent?