Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I Almost Had The Perfect Year!

After a whole year of not getting sick, it finally happened. I battled numerous viruses as they flew around the office this year. I dodged colds, flu's, and even a case of bronchitis. I laughed at those who got their flu vaccines and still got sick. I was all set to have a nice full year without illness. I was only three weeks away! Then I started feeling that scratch in the throat yesterday evening. Now I'm sick. It's not going to be the one day flu or anything. This is going to be one of those drawn out colds that last for weeks. I blame it all on the CSI: Miami Christmas party. I blame our PA Jen as well. She was the one that was sick first. It's totally Jen's fault. Three weeks! It's like blowing a no-hitter in the bottom of the ninth. Now I'm all rattled and will probably lose the game.


Anonymous said...

awweee...that sucks.

Faith's natural remedy.

Crush up some fresh ginger and slice up a lemmon (including rind). In a pot of filtered water boil these two things for about half an hour on low heat. Add a little honey (or maple syrup) and drink it down hot. It will ease your throat and help you sleep.

Lots of hot liquids (when I say this I mean one cup after another...preferably herbal tea)

sleep as much as you can, and take 1000mgm of C a day.

When I do this my cold lasts for about 4 days tops. when I don't I usually have it for 2 weeks.

bkessler said...

Brad and Jen, up in a tree, K - I - S - S - I ....

Well at least I'm sure it was worth it...

Bradford said...

No that was Anne up in the tree. Jen was just who was sick first.